A busy summer gave me little time to paint larger pieces, but did give me the opportunity to spend some time with my sketchbook. These pieces were fun to do. I did a lot of sketching, collage, and watercolor with my two nieces, who are 5 and 8 years old. The girls always bring out the kid in me and help me remember what it is like to just have fun and get lost in the process of painting.
These pieces are all done with Cretacolor Aqua Briques. The briques come in a convenient tin that travels easily. You can use the briques to draw or you can wet them with a brush and use them like block watercolor or gouache. I use them with a brush mostly but really enjoy the intense colors you can get with them.
I guess you can tell after looking at a few of these sketches that sleep was not going too well for me this summer! I actually did wake up looking that way on a few occasions, as my husband will attest! Isn't it funny how art reflects life? At any rate, next time I have a sleepless night I might just get up and do some journaling!
My last piece on this post is my favorite. There was something that just felt good about producing it. I love the colors but something more draws me to it. I felt like it came so spontaneously and I had an immediate connection with the image. I love that when it happens!